There have been many, many days when I've asked myself why I write. I always get a chuckle out of the fictional authors in books and movies who seem to have fame and fortune simply by submitting their manuscript and then the money just rolls in. While there may be some authors out there who have this kind of blessed luck, I haven't met one. The truth is, being an author is work. Hard work. It can be an isolated and lonely job, with a market that constantly changes and a never-ending stream of competitors to compare oneself with ... not to mention characters in your head that won't shut up, and the occasional review that makes you ugly cry and wonder why you ever thought you could write a book in the first place. So, with these disheartening factors in mind, what sane person would ever decide to become an author? I can't answer this for every author, of course, but many of my author friends whom I've discussed this with have had similar...