Why I Write ...
So, with these disheartening factors in mind, what sane person would ever decide to become an author? I can't answer this for every author, of course, but many of my author friends whom I've discussed this with have had similar answers---we simply can't NOT write. Trust me, I've tried to quit more than once. But when the stories are in you, you can't keep them inside or you'll slowly go insane. Writing is therapy. It's a medium unlike any other when you create a world you want to visit or characters who become close friends. There is nothing quite like a writer's high when you hit flow and the words pour out, creating a magical or sigh-worthy scene.
That's why I write.
Any aspiring or already-authors out there know what I'm talking about? It's almost hard to explain, but if you get it, you get it. Keep writing those words, friends. Books are one of life's greatest blessings, and I'm a believer that everyone has a story to tell.
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